月間カレンダー12 flashcard stampabili in Japanese per l'apprendimento dell'argomento Months of the Year六月 - June七月 - July八月 - August九月 - September十月 - October十一月 - November十二月 - December一月 - January二月 - February三月 - March四月 - April五月 - MayScarica le Flashcards di Months of the Year
ようび12 flashcard stampabili in Japanese per l'apprendimento dell'argomento Days of Week明日 - tomorrowカレンダー - calendarスケジュール - scheduleげつよび - Mondayかようび - Tuesdayすいようび - Wednesdayもくようび - Thursdayきんようび - Fridayどようび - Saturdayにちようび - Sunday今日 - today昨日 - yesterdayScarica le Flashcards di Days of Week