
10 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Domestic animals topic
  • 烏龜 - turtle
  • - cat
  • - dog
  • - fish
  • 鸚鵡 - parrot
  • 老鼠 - mouse
  • 天竺鼠 - guinea pig
  • 倉鼠 - hamster
  • 絨鼠 - chinchilla
  • 金絲雀 - canary
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倉鼠 picture flashcards 天竺鼠 picture flashcards 烏龜 picture flashcards


15 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Farm animals topic
  • 驢子 - donkey
  • 駱駝 - camel
  • 母牛 - cow
  • - horse
  • - pig
  • 公牛 - bull
  • 山羊 - goat
  • 兔子 - rabbit
  • 綿羊 - sheep
  • 蜜蜂 - bee
  • 小馬 - pony
  • 公羊 - ram
  • 馴鹿 - reindeer
  • 羊駝 - lama
  • 河貍鼠 - coypu
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兔子 picture flashcards 公牛 picture flashcards 公羊 picture flashcards


29 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Sea animals topic
  • 魟魚 - stingray
  • 章魚 - octopus
  • 海草 - seaweed
  • 海星 - starfish
  • 珊瑚 - coral
  • 貝殼 - shell
  • 虎鯨 - orca, killer whale
  • 抹香鯨 - sperm whale
  • 海膽 - sea urchin
  • 海馬 - seahorse
  • 海豚 - dolphin
  • 龍蝦 - crayfish
  • 鸚鵡螺 - nautilus
  • 海龜 - sea turtle
  • 鯊魚 - shark
  • 蝦子 - shrimp
  • 蝸牛 - snail
  • 鯨魚 - whale
  • 海葵 - sea anemone
  • 烏賊 - squid
  • 螃蟹 - crab
  • 水母 - jellyfish
  • 龍蝦 - lobster
  • 獨角鯨 - narwhal
  • 海狗 - fur seal
  • 白鯨 - beluga
  • 巨型魷魚 - giant squid
  • 海豹 - seal
  • 海象 - walrus
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巨型魷魚 picture flashcards 抹香鯨 picture flashcards 水母 picture flashcards


23 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Insects topic
  • 蝴蝶 - butterfly
  • 瓢蟲 - ladybug
  • 白蟻 - termite
  • 螞蟻 - ant
  • 甲蟲 - bug
  • 蚊子 - mosquito
  • 臭蟲 - bedbug
  • 黃蜂 - wasp
  • 大黃蜂 - hornet
  • 蟑螂 - cockroach
  • 熊蜂 - bumblebee
  • 蜻蜓 - dragonfly
  • 蚱蜢 - grasshopper
  • 蒼蠅 - fly
  • 毛毛蟲 - caterpillar
  • - louse
  • 螳螂 - mantis
  • 糞金龜 - scarabaeus
  • 蜘蛛 - spider
  • 蠍子 - scorpion
  • 蜜蜂 - bee
  • 馬陸 - millipede
  • - mite
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大黃蜂 picture flashcards 毛毛蟲 picture flashcards 熊蜂 picture flashcards


21 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Jungle animals topic
  • 獅子 - lion
  • 長頸鹿 - giraffe
  • 大象 - elephant
  • 犀牛 - rhinoceros
  • 豹貓 - ocelot
  • 獵豹 - cheetah
  • 大猩猩 - gorilla
  • 食蟻獸 - anteater
  • - tapir
  • 小熊貓 - red panda
  • 長臂猿 - gibbon
  • 白虎 - white tiger
  • 西法卡 - sifaka
  • 猴子 - monkey
  • - leopard
  • 捷豹 - jaguar
  • 鱷魚 - crocodile
  • 老虎 - tiger
  • 斑馬 - zebra
  • 河馬 - hippopotamus
  • 熊貓 - panda
Download Jungle animals Flashcards
大猩猩 picture flashcards 大象 picture flashcards 小熊貓 picture flashcards


22 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Forest animals topic
  • 鹿 - deer
  • 野豬 - boar
  • 水牛 - buffalo
  • 刺蝟 - hedgehog
  • 野兔 - hare
  • 樹獺 - sloth
  • 猞猁 - lynx
  • - bear
  • 土狼 - coyote
  • 雪貂 - ferret
  • 狐狸 - fox
  • 浣熊 - raccoon
  • 松鼠 - squirrel
  • - wolf
  • - badger
  • 花栗鼠 - chipmunk
  • 野牛 - bison
  • 鼴鼠 - mole
  • 麋鹿 - moose
  • 狼獾 - wolverine
  • 臭鼬 - skunk
  • 土撥鼠 - marmot
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刺蝟 picture flashcards 土撥鼠 picture flashcards 土狼 picture flashcards


14 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Arctic animals topic
  • 貓頭鷹 - owl
  • 獨角鯨 - narwhal
  • 海狗 - fur seal
  • 白鯨 - beluga
  • 巨型魷魚 - giant squid
  • 北極熊 - polar bear
  • 海豹 - seal
  • 海象 - walrus
  • 企鵝 - penguin
  • 北極狐 - arctic fox
  • 麝牛 - muskox
  • 北極狼 - arctic wolf
  • 虎鯨 - orca, killer whale
  • 鯨魚 - whale
Download Arctic animals Flashcards
企鵝 picture flashcards 北極熊 picture flashcards 北極狐 picture flashcards

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