Саннар (1-20)

20 Tatar printable flashcards for learning Numbers (1-20) topic
  • унсигез - eighteen
  • унтугыз - nineteen
  • егерме - twenty
  • бер - one
  • ике - two
  • өч - three
  • дурт - four
  • биш - five
  • алты - six
  • җиде - seven
  • сигез - eight
  • тугыз - nine
  • ун - ten
  • унбер - eleven
  • унике - twelve
  • унөч - thirteen
  • ундурт - fourteen
  • унбиш - fifteen
  • уналты - sixteen
  • унҗиде - seventeen
Download Numbers (1-20) Flashcards
алты picture flashcards бер picture flashcards биш picture flashcards


10 Tatar printable flashcards for learning Counting topic
  • бер - one
  • ике - two
  • өч - three
  • дүрт - four
  • биш - five
  • алты - six
  • җиде - seven
  • сигез - eight
  • тугыз - nine
  • ун - ten
Download Counting Flashcards
алты picture flashcards бер picture flashcards биш picture flashcards

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Movement verbs flashcards
Movement verbs  flashcards
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State verbs flashcards
State verbs  flashcards

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