የአመቱ ወሮች12 Amharic printable flashcards for learning Months of the Year topicሰኔ - Juneሀምሌ - Julyነሀሴ - Augustመስከረም - Septemberጥቅምት - Octoberህዳር - Novemberታህሳስ - Decemberጥር - Januaryየካቲት - Februaryመጋቢት - Marchሚያዚያ - Aprilግንቦት - MayDownload Months of the Year Flashcards
የሳምንቱ ቀኖች12 Amharic printable flashcards for learning Days of Week topicነገ - tomorrowቀን መቁጠሪያ - calendarፕሮግራም - scheduleሰኞ - Mondayማክሰኞ - Tuesdayእሮብ - Wednesdayሀሙስ - Thursdayአርብ - Fridayቅዳሜ - Saturdayእሁድ - Sundayዛሬ - todayትላንት - yesterdayDownload Days of Week Flashcards