
19 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Movement verbs topic
  • 跑步 - run
  • - crawl
  • - jump
  • 游泳 - swim
  • 騎馬 - ride
  • 開車 - drive
  • - fly
  • - go
  • - carry
  • 滑滑梯 - descend
  • 跳水 - fall
  • - pull
  • - chase
  • - walk
  • 划船 - row
  • 爬山 - climb
  • 潛水 - dive
  • - push
  • - roll
Download Movement verbs Flashcards
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33 Chinese(Traditional) printable flashcards for learning Routine verbs topic
  • - sit on the potty
  • 小便 - pee
  • 大便 - poop
  • 系鞋带 - tie shoelaces
  • - cook
  • - feed
  • 买东西 - go shopping
  • 轻松 - relax
  • 起床 - wake up
  • 刷牙 - brush teeth
  • 看电视 - watch TV
  • 抽烟 - smoke
  • - play with friends
  • 工作 - work
  • 扫地 - sweep
  • 清扫 - vacuum
  • 洗衣服 - do laundry
  • 烫衣服 - iron
  • 浇花 - water
  • - splash
  • 打扮 - put on make-up
  • 剪头发 - gets her hair cut
  • 刮胡子 - shave
  • - eat
  • - drink
  • 洗头发 - wash
  • 睡觉 - sleep
  • 打扫 - clean, scrub
  • 穿衣服 - get dressed
  • 穿鞋子 - put on shoes
  • 扣扣子 - button the buttons
  • 洗澡 - take a shower
  • 冲凉 - take a bath
Download Routine verbs Flashcards
买东西 picture flashcards 冲凉 picture flashcards 刮胡子 picture flashcards

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